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The Realist Theory of Law, American Realism, Scandinavian Realism

  The realist movement in United States  represents the latest branch of sociological jurisprudence which concentrates on decisions of law courts. The realist contends that law has emanated from judges, therefore law is what courts do and not what they say. For them judges are the lawmakers. However modern realism differs from the sociological school as unlike the latter,  they are   not much concerned about the ends of law You know what I have so many proposals still  of low but their main attention is on the same to pick up the vision of low and it actually functioning it is for this reason that some authorities have called really stop road as the left wing of the fountain any school moment is called released because it's a prude is that long as it is in actual working and its effects according to realist school the law is emanating from the judges and the sovereign in the court the realist approach is a part of sociological school of jurisprudence and sometimes it is called as left wing of sociological school it differs from sociological school in respect of that it is little concerned with the ends of law it concentrates on scientific observation of law and its making and working this movement is named as released as because the approach of study law as it is actual working and its consequences it criticises the traditional definition of law that is it is a body of rules and principles with quotes and its force in Britain the eminent judges gave a great support for the development of Love by giving the judgement and interpreting the  statutes the realistic movement was rooted in Scandinavia by famous jurist hagar Storm 1868 to 1939 Oliver honour 1987 Ross 1899 etc letter on this was developed in America by salmond and homes.
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